Wednesday, February 13, 2008

San Pablo Park

When I lived in Berkeley, I didn't really like it. (Too many crazy berkeley people and the drivers were terrible.) But now that I see all the amazing parks they have, I want to move back. Ebba hooked me up with this one yesterday and we had to return today for more fun. Lion joined us today. Parker has really started to do some imaginary play stuff with Ted and Lion and since it usually has nothing to do with Numbers, I'm encouraging it. Even if it means dragging them around town.

When we first got there, we went to the bathroom for Parker. He didn't ask to go, but I knew he would soon, and since the bathrooms were a bit far away, we just went first. After about 10 minutes of being back at the park, Parker said, "I need to go poop!". The girls were playing across the playground and it would have taken us 15 mintues to round them up and walk to the bathroom. I didn't want to chance it, so I put a diaper on Parker and told him he could go. He looked at me like I was crazy. And then told me he didn't have to go anymore. I said, "OK", but left the diaper on. A few moments later, he said he had to go and I told him he was wearing a diaper and he could go. So he did. I felt really bad about the whole thing and surely set him back weeks in his potty training. I really need to carry a portable potty with me to avoid that situation again.

At one point when I was changing Miranda (she pooped three times in an hour), Elizabeth started up the ladder to the slide. The ladder is not intended for 17 month olds, but apparenly Elizabeth didn't read the sign.) She made it to the top and was very pleased. She tried it again when I was a bit closer.

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