Saturday, May 24, 2008

Blood vs Numbers

This morning I went to get some blood taken* and I took Parker with me as I saw it as an educational opportunity. I explained what was going to happen, told him it wouldn't hurt, but it wouldn't be fun and that he could watch it all. He didn't seem to care too much about any of it until he saw the Take a Number machine at Kaiser. Each time it changed from one number to the next, he exclaimed with complete joy, "NOW IT SAYS 9!" "NOW IT SAYS 10!" He was quite upset when it didn't change to 11 fast enough. When we got called in, he was more interested in pushing my chair back and forth than watching the blood pour out of me. And when we were done, he was more interested in running down the tunnel under the street than talking about what had happened. Oh well.

*I had some blood test for anemia and thyroid issues because over the last 8 weeks or so, despite eating better and exercising three times a week, I've gained about 10 pounds. Also, for about the last 4 weeks, I've felt incredibly nauseous and run down. Since those symptoms are all too familiar we ruled out the possibility of a medical miracle by taking a pregnancy test. Michael said before I took the test, "God, I hope you have some life threatening illness or something." I see the doctor on Friday so hopefully he'll provide some explanation that doesn't involve more babies coming out of me.

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