Wednesday, May 07, 2008

A much better day.

Not sure if Miranda was actually feeling better or if I just got my head in the right place, but today was much better. Everyone had good naps, played fairly well together, and with the exception of one Parker meltdown due to his inability to put his jacket on himself, no major tantrums.

I let the girls watch "Wheels on the Bus" after their naps, while Parker was still sleeping. It's just an animated version of the book we have. Elizabeth just loves it. It's only about 3 minutes long so she watched it like 6 times screeching "Bus! Bus!" each time it started. After the sixth time, I told them it was time to say good bye to the DVD so they both waved at the screen and said, "Bye Bye Bus!"

Another new word is "outside". I think she would spend all day outside if she could. And she says "thank you" which sounds more like "that that", but I get the point.

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