Monday, May 05, 2008

CIO Day Three

Well, not five actually, but who's counting? Saturday night and Sunday night everyone slept through the night. Which actually made me a little crazy since Saturday was the day Miranda wasn't feeling well. I kept waking up and thinking, "Why isn't she screaming?" So when 5am came around and she started her whining routine I was actually relieved. I went in to them and sat down with Miranda. Elizabeth lifted her head up and I said, "Come on over." So she did and laid down next to Miranda. I covered them both up and rubbed their backs for about 20 minutes or so. They were ready to get up then so we played in the living room for a bit until Parker woke up at 6.

This morning, Miranda pulled her usually whining thing but Dad told them to knock it off, which they did for another 40 minutes or so. Parker was still sleeping when I got back from boot camp (we met at O dark thirty at Chevys today to celebrate Cinco de Mayo...I actually ran from Powell Street to Ashby and back today...and I rewarded myself with new running shoes.) He kept sleeping until 7:15ish. Strange.

So...we are getting there, slowly but surely.

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