Tuesday, May 13, 2008


The girls had a good week or so of essentially sleeping all night long. Then Sunday night, they forgot about their training and Eli was up a bunch whining and crying for seemingly no reason.

So last night, I expected a bad night again. But...it wasn't so bad. At around 2:30am I heard someone pulling at the door downstairs, so I went down and there was Elizabeth. As I took her hand I told her to go back to bed and it was still time to sleep. She happily obliged and got into bed. When I turned to leave, she turned to look at me and said, clear as day: MILK! I said, "We aren't going to have milk now." To which she replied, "MILK!!!!!!"

I repeated my stance. To which she replied, #$&*@!*$*^$&!!!!!!!!" and commenced a full on tantrum.

A good mother would have let her had her tantrum since giving in to one is a very bad idea. But a sleepy mom who will be a single mom for the next couple days needs her z's so I went to go get milk. She had some, handed the sippy cup back to me, said "Da-Da" (aka "Thank you") and went back to sleep.

I'm sure that decision will bite me in the ass tonight.

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