Friday, May 02, 2008

Pre-school preview

This morning, I took Parker to visit the preschool he will be going to September. I have been talking to him about it and thought if he could see what I was talking about, it would be a more meaningful conversation. We got there just as circletime/storytime was starting and Parker went to go sit down with everyone as if he had been doing every day for months. He sat quietly enjoying the book (Click Clack Moo, Cows that type which he has not only gotten from the library, but can watch on dvd). He then sang songs and listened to the teacher talk about what they would do that day. Then half the class left for a movement class down the hall and Parker stayed with the kids in the room. He grabbed a truck off the wall, after looking at me for permission, and joined the other (more rowdy) boys doing boy things. A Dad was working that day (it's a co-op where the parents work) and all the boys were stepping on a level to make a carboard box fly up in the air. The Director told me this only happened when Dads worked. Parker watched the other kids do it for a while and then joined in, laughing happily each time.

During all this, the Director and I were chatting. She said he was doing very well coming into a class where he knew no one. She said not many kids do that as well as he did. She then started pondering out loud whether he would do better with the 4-5 year olds rather than the 3-4 year olds come September due to his behavior and birthdate. This would mean Monday, Wednesday, Friday rather than only Tues/Thurs. I thought this was great (for me and Parker) and told her we were on board. I then said that I was trying to find a way to enroll him in Kindgergarden in fall 2009 even though he does not make the cut off. She said if that didn't work out (which it most likely will not), he could go to their Pre K class in the afternoons 5 days a week. The girls will be in preschool then, so I'll have Parker in the mornings and the girls in the afternoon. Sound good to me!

After about 45 minutes, I showed him the movement class, the playground and bathroom and then we left for swim class. I feel much better about the school (which was not my first choice due to the location and number of days a week) than I did before the visit.

Oh, and he said he had fun, too.

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