Friday, May 23, 2008

Parker and Mommy Day

As I do on Fridays, I spent the day with just Parker today. Michael and I are having a date night so my goal was to keep him awake all day and tire him out plenty (since he has been going to bed later and later, but getting up at the same time.) So we first went to the bank, where he basically took money out of the ATM on his own. Put the card in, pressed my PIN code, typed in the amount of money for the sitter, took the card out and took the money out. All on his own.

Then we went to swim class where he swam with a floaty pole thing under his armpits without assistance today. He had to get this toy just by kicking and he got it. It was the first bit of improvement I've seen in 6 weeks. (I just signed up all three kids for June. God help me.)

Then we went to Pixieland, a rinky dink little amusement park in Concord. And when I say little. I mean little. Like the size of a small parking lot with only 7 rides. And the funny thing was, it was still damn expensive! Unfortunately, he wasn't tall enough to go on two of the rides alone (roller coaster and tea cups), so I went with him on coaster. Boy, does he sure love the roller coasters. He screams going down on the hills and turns like a true Long. But I would have rather died then go on the tea cups, so I go up to this man standing in line with what looked like 3 year old son and said, Excuse me. Are you going on this ride? (yes). Can my son go with you? (sure). Great, his name is Parker. Have fun! Parker didn't mind.

He did the airplanes and finally understood the lever that makes the plane go up and down. He is usually the loser kid going around and around at the bottom so it was nice to see him up high. He also enjoyed the cars (like at disney land that go around on their own.) I couldn't hear him, but it seemed like he was narrating the ride. "And now I see a tree. And another car. And some grass. And a 54." He also liked the Frog Hopper, which was a drop ride that they just sit in. Thank god adults weren't allowed on that. I couldn't help but think of the kid that got her foot cut off by one of these rides last summer at Great America.

Then the obligatory train around the park ride where we saw lots of ducks. More airplanes, and cars, and drop ride and then we were done.

With another hour or so before we could go home (girls freak out when I come home and I can't leave again without massive hysteria), I called Michael for the location of the nearest Playplace and he did not disappoint. We stayed there for a while and then did some shopping at Trader Joes where Parker asked the cashier nicely for a White Balloon Please.

And finally home.

Parker sure does love these days. They are ending come July. I figured he didn't need more non baby time when he was in preschool and with a vacation and preschool camp planned in July, I might as well, stop them then. I'll sure miss them since hanging with one child who can pretty much entertain himself and doesn't whine every second of the day is a real joy and luxury.

No pics today. Forgot the camera.

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