Thursday, May 01, 2008

CIO Day Two

It started out well last night. Michael was at a meeting until late, so I bathed all the kids and put them all down. After a bit of coughing, everyone was asleep. When Parker woke up around 3am coughing, I thought, well, if the coughing is it, it's a great second night. He coughed for about 20 minutes and then was quiet.

And then Miranda woke up. She cried and screamed (literally) for an hour. No kidding around screaming. Michael slept through a lot of it, but I could not. Michael checked the monitor at one point to ensure she was still in her bed safe and sure enough she was. Who the hell knows what she was screaming about.

Elizabeth slept through it all, god bless her.

1 comment:

Michael said...

I'm sleepy