Friday, January 28, 2011

Jim Retires

Yesterday, I brushed my hair, put on a dress, some mascara, and even lipstick and headed into San Francisco to celebrate the retirement of my boss at the Federal Reserve Bank. He had worked there 29 years. My good friend Shari, who also still works there and is getting close to 29 years herself, invited me and I was glad she did. I saw all sorts of people I hadn't seen in years and years. Some looked older and larger. Some looked like they hadn't aged a day. Hopefully I was somewhere in between. It was fun catching up with them, telling old stories, see old bosses, and laughing at the good old days. But it also reminded me how glad I am not to be working. (Everyone seemed shocked when I told them I was "just a mom.") The BART ride alone was enough for me to silently thank Michael for being the breadwinner in the family. Hopefully I'll never have to be a corporate gal again.

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