Sunday, January 09, 2011

Nothing Much Happening

Life has been fairly normal/boring these last few days which is why I haven't blogged. Here's a quick summary of the goings on...

Friday... Painters and the backhouse bathroom remodel workers showed up. They are going to paint the outside of the house now and then after we move out, they'll do the inside. The outside should take about 8 days so we'll get to live in it for a few months. They totally gutted the backhouse bathroom. Michael never really finished it when he did the floor in the backhouse so we had the option just putting some tile down or fixing it up a bit. We chose the later so we'll be getting a new tile shower and floor. It should be fancy with a bit bigger shower. That part should be done this week so we'll definitely get to enjoy that for a while too.

Saturday...I did my "long" run. Michael and I are both training for the March Oakland Half Marathon. I'm hoping to finish and maybe do better than I did last year and Michael is hoping to break 2 hours, which he should do no problem. I did 6 1/2 miles and it actually felt pretty good most of the time. I've decided to have a shorter stride. My legs don't feel as tired that way. The last two times I've run, I've kept up with gals that I previously had not been able to keep up with. So that is nice. Then Roy and the boys came over and helped me (ok, actually he did it on his own) remove the iron bars on three of our windows (which was needed for the painters). Roy had all the tools and did it very quickly and the boys learned some math on Parker's computer. We hung around the house the rest of the day doing not much. I'm getting better at doing that, but it's still hard. Reading a book makes it easier so I finished my second Michael J Fox memoir. That night, I had Indian food and saw a movie with Susan.

Sunday...Michael got up to do his long run while I stayed home with the kids. I was gonna take them to the park, but Miranda was doing so much crying and shouting that we waiting until M got home so I could leave her behind. She's having a hard time these days. Most things out of her mouth are cries, screams, whines or saying, "NO!" and stomping her foot. It's like she's just figured out that she can argue with us about stuff and chooses to it all the time. It's very frustrating to me, but I'm hoping it's just a phase. Then we decided to go look at houses through the tunnel. We looked at 5 icky ones and one perfect one. 5 bedrooms, huge lot, great front and back yard, cul de sac, pool, family room, new kitchen, walking distance to schools. I would have bought it today, but Michael was worried about the commute which would be much longer for him. About 20-30 mintues each way on a good day. Not the worst commute by any means, but worse than we have it right now. It's been on the market for months, so I'm hoping it's still on the market a big longer.

At dinner tonight, the kids were talking about hitting each other and then mentioned daddy hitting mommy. Michael pointed out that if he hit me, he would go to jail. This got everyone talking about jail and hitting and what would happen if mommy hit daddy too and we both went to jail. Elizabeth got legitimately sad and asked who would take care of them. I told them if anything ever happened to us, Aunt Amy would take care of them. That seemed to make them very happy (even though Miranda did say she would miss us). We talked about what rooms they would get at Amy's house and how cool that would be. Parker asked to sleep in the tv room. At one point, Miranda asked if they had hot water in jail (where we would be going.) Elizabeth mentioned that they wouldn't be a real family since they would have different last names as their cousins. We tried to reassure them that we wouldn't be going to jail and the conversation finally ended.

Michael put the kids to bed, I folded laundry, Michael did some work and now we are watching our nightly food network show. Tonight it is Iron Chef. Battle Lobster. Yum.


Ebba said...

Last time I took my 3 to Lawrence Hall of Science we had lunch in the cafeteria. The kids ran to the window and starting excitedly shouting "there's the jail! I see jail!!" I'm sure everyone thought I must've taken them there to see their father or something. When asked, they told me they had learned about jail from Miranda & Elizabeth. Ends up they were talking about Alcatraz.

susan said...

my boys are obsessed with jail. EVERYDAY we talk about God, death, and jail. I can't wait to distract them with DVDs in the car again.

*oh, and the movie/dinner date was Friday night!*

Rachel said...

Sorry about that ebba. ;)

Ebba said...

No need to apologize, I think it's funny. Wonder where your kids picked it up from.

Rachel said... They asked if it was a big pirate island, so told them what it was. I guess I should take them there at some point...