Friday, January 28, 2011

No School Today.

Parker was off school today. It was teacher training day or something.

After we took the girls to school, we did a couple errands and then Aidan came over (he was off school too). Then we went to Roberts park where we were going to meet a bunch of classmates. It was completely foggy and cold near our house, but at Roberts is was sunny and warm. I left the boys with Kathie, Zoe's mom, and went to get the girls around noon. Then we went back to the park where we stayed for another couple hours. Other friends from kindergarten and preschool showed up and it was a big group of people before long. All the kids played wonderfully together irregardless of age or gender. No major issues and only a couple scraped knees. All the kids know all the moms so they would just come up to me and say, "I'm thirsty. I sure could use another juice box."

Then we went home to prep for the next round of excitement. Lucy, Rachel's (preschool friend) mom, picked up the girls for a pump it up birthday party and left Jonah (preK friend) here for a playdate with Parker. They played games, climbed trees and I fed them dinner. Then we all went to pick up the girls.

By the time the day was over, everyone was tired and dirty. Including me. An exhausting day of doing not much.

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