Thursday, January 06, 2011

There must be something wrong with me.

I took the girls to ballet class today for the first time. It's a pre-ballet class for 3-5 year olds at a local dance center. They were appropriately attired in pink tights, pink ballet shoes (and I didn't even have to sew on the elastics!) and leotards. I wouldn't let them wear stupid looking outfits or silly fluffly skirts. Apparently I was the only mother who felt strongly about this and now I'm fully expecting Elizabeth to remind me about the other kids' clothes next week.

The parents had to watch from a video monitor outside the classroom. Which was fine. I was actually hoping to not watch at all. Watching the kids in classes just annoys me. And today was no different. I rarely feel the motherly pride that most parents feel when they watch their cute kids in cute outfits doing cute things. I just get annoyed. At the class. At the kids "not doing their best". At the music choices. At whatever.

It seemed that the girls were doing well and having fun and one would think that would be all I could ask for. But when the teacher brought out some rings and a balance beam and small trampoline in a pre-ballet class, I just got annoyed again. I counted the minutes until some parent told me "Oh, your girls are so strong." It was about 3.

Sometimes I wish I was just like every other mom I know who thinks the world of their cute kids and everything they do and say rather than someone who notices what is wrong with everything. Life would be easier and more fun that way.

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