Sunday, January 20, 2008


Rachel likes to feed the feral cat that lives in our back yard. This cat used to live in Ed's yard, but with Noe no longer guarding her territory, this particular feral has laid claim to the space under our deck, and shows up regularly for some free grub.

Personally, I think a feral cat should be able to fend for itself, and certainly should never get to the point of staring sadly through our back door when the gravy train hasn't stopped recently. But Rachel is basically powerless when faced with an animal in need, so this particular feral cat has had it prety good.

I thought maybe when the local possum population started dropping in for a snack on our back deck, that this might change Rachel's mind about her stray animal outreach program, but no. Aside from being pretty funny looking, a possum is no harm to anyone.

I thought that when the racoons started coming by for their vittles, Rachel would reconsider. But no.

However, tonight as Rachel was going back to the cabana, we came face to face with a well-fed skunk who was as surprised as we were by this encounter on our back deck. Rachel jumped about three feet in the air, and mercifully the skunk held its fire. But I have to think this particular guest will tip the scales, even for that soft-hearted wife of mine.

Attention all Rhoda Avenue critters: the kitchen is closed.

1 comment:

Lori said...

I have the same soft heart problem with people, now I don't have a couch.