Monday, January 07, 2008

My name is Parker.

The babysitting co-op was at my house today. So I spent the morning with Parker. First at Mini-golf and then at the Play Place (McDonalds). Mini golf was interesting as all the holes were filled with water. Since one of the most fun things about mini golf for Parker is putting the balls in the holes, this was an issue. Every time, he stuck his finger in the hole to see if it was wet or not.

At McDonalds, there was only one other little girl there. She and Parker were playing. She told Parker her name and asked him was his was. I was waiting for his standard response which is to spell his name while counting on his fingers. But today, he said, "My name is Parker."

I almost cried.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Ah, they do grow up so fast. Thank you for sharing.