Sunday, January 13, 2008

The end of an era

As is our tradition, after reading books to parker tonight, I told him I would stay with him for 5 minutes. He said, No, it's not 5 minutes yet. I thought he was just being 'cute' trying to get me to stay with him longer. So I told him 5 more minutes. He corrected me again. He said, It's almost 5 more minutes. In 3 minutes it will be 5 more minutes. I looked at the clock and sure enough it was 5:52. Since he knows he is suppose to go to sleep by 7:00, he was, in fact, correct. Then when 5:55 came up, I started the 5 minute countdown. Now in the past these 5 minute countdowns have lasted anywhere from 1 minute to 20 minutes. But today, they had to last exactly 5 minutes.

Damn that kid for knowing how to tell time.

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