Thursday, January 03, 2008


Parker seems to be very good at going pee in the toilet on demand, suggesting admirable bladder control. So what he really needs to practice at this point is getting himself to the toilet when he really has to go, which I suggested this morning over breakfast that he might want to consider trying. I then repeated the suggestion 2-3 more times during the morning, and avoided putting him on the toilet.

Sure enough, about ten minutes ago he started hollering at me that he had to go pee, and I found him in the bedroom doing his telltale dirty underwear squat. I whisked him to the bathroom and got him safely situated, at which point he let loose a torrent. His undies were a bit wet, but I give him full credit on this one for a self-directed toilet-pee, god bless him.

**Update: while I was posting this blog entry, Parker took a big poop in his pants. To his credit he hollered immediately, but still.

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