Saturday, January 26, 2008

The preschool search

I've been doing a lot of research into preschools for Parker. I've gone to information nights, tours, and open houses. I've filled out applications, sent in deposits and gotten on waiting lists. I want Parker to go to a cooperative preschool and there are only 5 in my area. So I had a couple back-up non co-op preschools on the list too. This morning, I got a call that he got into one of the co-ops. It's one in Piedmont. Pretty close to my house, but also pretty small facility. It's only two days a week which is good in that I would only have to "work" a day every 5-6 weeks, but bad because I had wanted 3 or 4 days a week to give Parker some more play time without the babies and give me some time to do stuff with just the girls.

Anyway, it's a relief to know that he won't be stuck at home with me another year, but I'm still keeping my hopes up that he gets into a couple others.

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