Monday, October 27, 2008

And speaking of Elizabeth....

Her vocabulary and ability to form sentences has improved exponentially in the last month or so. She says things like, "That is mommy's robe" and "Nana rode horse at the zoo merry-go-round." She also has added things like "Nmm, nnn, nnh" or "mmm, hmm" to me don't do that and yes. She also likes referring to all of her and parker's teachers. "Teacha Matt! Parka's teacher! Swim teacher!" She is also making her preferences known too. "Biza no like Sammy and Charlie's party." or "Biza like smoothie". And she'll let me know what Miranda likes or doesn't like too. "Nann no like smoothie."

All of this is making communicating with her so much easier.

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