Monday, October 13, 2008

Monday Monday

As I do every Monday, I got the kids dressed, got myself dressed, packed a snack, had everyone pee and then we all left to drop off Parker at school. I should have known something was up when 10 minutes before school started, parking was super easy on the street. With several preschools and elementary schools close by, parking is usually hell. But today, I just drove up. I didn't even wonder about it when I didn't see any other preschoolers. We just kept walking up to the school. When I didn't see the sign in sheets, I just looked under the cabinet and pulled them out. That's when it hit me. Is school closed today? I stood there for a moment wondering outloud and then I checked the school schedule inside the sign in book and sure enough...Columbus Day. Who knew? I felt like an idiot, explained "holidays" to Parker and then we all walked down to the car. On the way, another forgetful mom was starting to park. When she saw me, she said, "No school today, huh?" We giggled and felt silly together. So Parker got to go to music class with us today. And then we played in the park. It was, after all that, a nice morning.

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