Saturday, October 18, 2008

Slightly Odd

Miranda has been known, as seen here, to nurse her babies. I find this odd, not because I have a problem with breastfeeding (god knows, I've nursed enough kids), but because I can't remember the last time she might have seen someone breastfeeding. So either she remembers it from over a year ago or she is secretly sneaking out at night to go to La Leche meetings.


Lori said...

I was a bottle fed baby and have no conscious memory of seeing a nursing mother till I was an adult, yet, I was obsessed with nursing my dolls when I was young. However, I do remember I kept it very well hidden. I'm thrilled Miranda has no shame!


wow, that was a good laugh. I don't read many blogs and I find family blogs to be particularly boring but I love reading yours.