Tuesday, October 21, 2008

More counting

Parker has started counting starting with 2. So if there are 4 giraffes, he'll say there are 5. If there are 3 crackers he'll say there are 4. I'm not sure I understand why he is doing this or why it started, but there it is. It does help with story time when he asks for 4 books and I only have to read him 3.

In other counting news, the girls have started counting. They say, "1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 8, 5, 6" It's very clear and Parker is getting a real kick out of it. He keeps saying, "She is starting at 8!"

And lastly, today at swim class, I was chatting with one of Parker's classmates mom's who also does swim class. She worked at the co-op last week for the 1st time this year. They had been on vacation and then her son was sick so they missed a week or so before she worked. She saw Parker's river number lines (he draws a big river and then puts the numbers negative 10 to 20 in the river). She was stunned and went to the teacher and said, "Did we miss something while we were gone? Did they learn how to write numbers while we were gone????" The teacher, Mrs. Nelson, said, "No, that is not normal. That is just Parker. He does that." Lucas's mom felt better.


Ebba said...

I'm wondering if he picked up the starting to count with 2 from this book you have that we read today. It's a counting book, with photos of stuff. There's a picture of 3 wooden race cars, and the race cars each have a number painted on them: 2, 3 & 4. So when we were flipping through the book he didn't say much till we got to that page and he said, "there are 4 race cars." I said, no, a little stunned that he would make this sort of error (others are stunned that he does math beyond his age, the rest of us that know him get stunned when he gets it wrong :-)He then pointed to the numbers on the cars and said, "see? 2, 3, 4!"

Rachel said...

Interesting. He's been doing it for a few days, but I'm guessing he saw the book before. That makes sense. Thanks.