Saturday, October 18, 2008


Today, I ran farther than I ever have. For some reason, I decided that this morning I was going to attempt to run around Lake Merritt. It's a little over 3 miles around and the most I had been able to run in the past was about 1/2 mile and this was with my boot camp class. I pretty much hate running because I get so tired, so winded and my legs hurt so much almost immediately. But again, today I decided I would do it.

And I almost did. I ran about 2 1/2 miles and then walked for 5 minutes and then ran the rest of the way almost back to my car. I used Michael trick of saying to myself, "just keep running." I also kept saying, I can't wait to tell Michael I ran all the way around. That was actually more motivating then anything else.

In any case, I'm damn proud of myself and look forward to the day when I can actually run all the way around without stopping at all!

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