Saturday, October 04, 2008


We've been struggling with Miranda's sleeping habits lately. We seem to have gotten bedtime under control, but she's also been waking up earlier and earlier, and crying hysterically if we put her back to bed. This causes problems with her two sibblings trying to sleep in the room at the same time. And if there's anything worse than a hysterical child at 5 in the morning, it's three hysterical children, two of whom were just minding their own business.

So last night we had Elizabeth and Parker sleep in the backhouse with Rachel, and I stayed in the house to mind Miranda. Sure enough she woke up at five, and started crying hysterically once I put her back in bed. I put her back in bed a couple dozen times, and eventually she just sat on her bed, crying. Which is what she's been doing for the last hour. Good times.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Miranda and Sydney seem to be on the same morning schedule! She is usually the first one up and if we dont get her right away she can wake Court whose in the next room...Samantha on the other hand sleeps right on through it! Sleep is overated anyways!!