Sunday, March 08, 2009

Action Packed Weekend

This weekend was action packed.

We went to a Twin Club event on Friday afternoon. It was at a big gym where they had bouncy houses, obstacle courses, soccer demos and much more set up. It was totally empty except for the twin people so it was great. Parker especially had a fabulous time.

Then Saturday, we went to a party in the morning for some twin friends turning 2. More bouncy houses. More smiles from Parker. I spent much of the party holding Susan's son Sebastian. For some reason, he wanted me to carry him around. Not sure why he thought I was "one of those moms", but I humored him and he loved it. Parker and Elizabeth had meltdowns when it was time to go, so it ended badly for all.

Saturday evening, Michael and I went to the city to attend Ruth's 40th party. They had reserved a private room at a fancy asian restaurant and 60 of her closest friends were there to celebrate with her. It was good food and great cake. We got home late, but Ebba, who was sitting for us (and who had to put Parker down) was fine with that. She said Parker talked to her more than he has ever talked to her before, which cracked her up.

I got to sleep in today while Michael opted for the mid morning nap while I took the kids to the park. I also got to see a movie while they were napping. Not a bad day to say the least.

This evening, the kids got to bed later (which was actually earlier due to the time change), but seemed ok with it. We'll see what time they wake up. And when I say "We'll", I mean Michael as I will be running and jumping around at boot camp tomorrow morning bright and early.

Sorry this was such a damn boring post. I'm fresh out of witty comments and catty observations.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Nothing boring about it! Glad to hear from you, I almost had to call! Love you guys.