Monday, March 02, 2009


The girls like to switch a lot. Switch books. Switch toys. Switch baby dolls.

In fact, when we got Miranda her new baby doll, she played with it for a day and then switched it with the old pink baby that they had been previously fighting over. They are both happy with the switch.

Yesterday, when we had about an hour to kill in between seeing Michael run and picking him up at the finish line, we went to Target to pee and wander around. I also let them pick out one of those dollar toys from the bin. Elizabeth immediately picked a play cell phone that made noise. Parker got a microphone and Miranda chose a fake camera. I tried to convince Miranda to take a phone too since I knew they would argue over them, but she held firm. Before we had even reached the check out line, Elizabeth had asked for the camera. I told her it was Miranda's and before Elizabeth could say another word, Miranda handed it over and said, "Switch?"

I'm not sure who is the smarter kid here...the one who picks the toy she doesn't actually want or the one who picks the one she wants and then gets to play with the other one too.

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