Thursday, March 26, 2009


When I was putting Parker to bed tonight, we played the "which do you like better" game, and Parker was asking me what things I liked, which were generally based on things he could see. What do you like better, a lamp or a plant? A door or a shelf?

Eventually we got onto the subject of shapes, and he asked me whether I liked hexagons better or pentagons. I told him that I preferred hexagons, and he let me know that he liked pentagons. He then asked me whether I liked squares or triangles. I told him I liked triangles, and he said he liked squares. Then he told me, "Well, you have a 63, but I have a 54." Took me a minute.

Then he asked me what shape has 8 sides, and I informed him that it was called an Octogon. Being a good father, I pointed out that an Octopus has 8 arms. He asked me what shape has 7 sides, and I told him I didn't know.

He then asked me what shape has 12 sides, and I told him I didn't know. He informed me that he was pretty sure it was called a "Mocktogon" because the word Midnight starts with the letter M, and midnight is 12 o'clock, so a shape with 12 sides is called a Mocktogon.

1 comment:

Amber Long said...

Pretty sound logic to me!