Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Parker's two latest number related infatuations are calendars and money. Today, while on a errand (he stayed home from school today due to a lot of coughing), he announced that 20 quarters plus 10 dimes was 6 dollars. He also told me all the combinations to get to 25 cents. Well...not all of them, but a lot.

He also asks to do things on future dates like, "Can we go the park on June 12th?" or "Let's watch a tv show on May 24th." I like it when he does this since it's really easy to say "Sure!". Let's just hope on June 12th or May 24th he doesn't remember, since I surely will not.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thats funny that you think he wont remember...he remembers everything!!