Thursday, March 19, 2009

Jesus Christ

The amount of general crying and whining over here at Chez Long has seemed to have hit some sort of peak. At least I hope it is a peak. Today, I think the only time there wasn't someone crying/whining was during gymnastics class and a little bit at the park. They slept bad last night (Elizabeth woke up not being able to breathe which woke up Miranda which woke up Parker.) They all woke up grumpy today and it pretty much lasted the entire day. Even as I type, Miranda is in her room screaming her head off. Parker just ended an hour long scream fest (he's learned he can say "no" to my requests). Elizabeth spent much of the day crying about seemingly nothing, throwing herself on the ground as if she just stepped on a knife. (And when she did actually get hurt, an injury that involved blood, she only cried for a second.)

I know there are tired. I know they aren't doing it to drive me crazy. I know they must be very sad or angry. None of that helps me and I just want to shoot myself in the head.

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