Saturday, March 14, 2009

More Adding

So after Parker did his double digit adding, I thought he might understand it using the "carry the one" method on paper. So I showed it to him and he immediately got it. He was so incredibly happy it was ridiculous. He just kept giving me more numbers to write down for him to add. After a while I told him to make some up and add them up. Which he did.

When Michael got home, I told him about this. After reading books to the girls, I came out and Michael was doing 3 and 4 digit numbers with him. He got a little confused with where to put the 1 each time, but basically got it. The sheer joy on his face to be adding 1,234 and 5,678 was worth the total creepiness of him adding four digit numbers at age 4.


Unknown said...

and I was so proud of my 4 year old counting to forty without missing a number! :)

Ebba said...

That's amazing! I'm really curious, was he able to explain how he was doing it if he wasn't using the carry one method?

Rachel said...

He wasn't doing 3 and 4 digit numbers in his head. With the two digit numbers, he just added it fast in his head by adding one at a time and going up. Or 5 at at time. Or 10 at a time, depending on how far apart they were.