Monday, July 06, 2009

Deep Thoughts by Parker Long

I was about to read Parker Barbar for the first time and we had the following conversation:

Me: My mom used to read this story to me when I was little.
Parker: Really?
Me: Do you know who my mom is?
Parker: Lori?
Me: No, Grandma Judy.
Parker: Oh.
Me: Do you know who Michael's mom is?
Parker: No.
Me: Grammy.
Parker: She is my friend.
Me: Do you know who my daddy is?
Parker: No.
Me: Grandpa Tony. Ok, let's read the book.
Parker: Who is Daddy's daddy?
Me: He died.
Parker: But who is he?
Me: His name was Wilbur, but he died and I never met him and you'll never meet him either.
Parker: Ted, Ed, Lion, Fred, and Bob will never die. Will Daddy die someday?
Me: Yes.
Parker: Will you die someday?
Me: Yes.
Parker: Will I die someday?
Me: Yes.
Parker: When will you and Daddy die?
Me: When we are really 100 years old.
Parker: Can I die when you and Daddy die?
Me: No, you won't die until your really old too.
Parker: But I want to come with you.
Me: But you need to stay here with the girls.
Parker: But can't the girls come with us too?
Me: Nah, you are all gonna live a long time. Let's read the book now.

1 comment:

Val said...

This is so sweet. I am so impressed by how you well you can recount a conversation. I can't remember 5 minutes ago.