Saturday, July 25, 2009

Phone call from Parker

Parker called me from LA last night, because he wanted to chat. We talked for about 15 minutes and covered a wide range of topics. He told me about going to a play place with "the lady who is your mother" and which slide was the biggest slide (the blue one) and which was the small one (the green one), and about the boy who cried at the top of the blue slide, which may or may not have been because the little girl was bugging him and wouldn't go away. But Parker didn't cry and he went down the slide, which goes around the corners really fast. He also let me know that he didn't want to go in for books in the boys' room that night because there was a very scary picture on the wall there and he didn't want to see it. Apparently it was a piece of art that had been added to the boys' collection just that day, and Parker was having no part of it. I asked him where he was going to sleep, and he told me that he was going to sleep on the floor around the corner from the stairs. He didn't seem concerned about the possibility of someone stepping on him in the night while going to the bathroom, but he did remind me of that time that Elizabeth was screaming at the door of their bedroom in the middle of the night, and he needed to get out of the bedroom so he could sleep somewhere else, but Elizabeth was in his way. I knew exactly the night he was talking about. He also told me about the ginger bread men they had made that day, some of them in playdough, and some of them with real dough. There were big gingerbread men and little gingerbread men, and everyone got to eat them. I asked him if he'd offered to swim the ginger bread man across the river on his back, and he was pretty amused by that. But he assured me that the gingerbread man hadn't run away because they had all the doors shut when they got him out of the oven, and gingerbread men can't open doors because the doorknobs are too high. He did point out that if there was a jumpy house in front of the door the gingerbread man would be able to reach the door, but conceded that it would be difficult to actually open the door with a jumpy house in front of it. We talked for a good 15 minutes before he had to go read books for bed. All in all, it was probably the best phone conversation I've ever had in my life.


Rachel said...

All entirely accurate with one exception. The picture in Amy's room is not new. He was scared of it last time he was here and hasn't gone in that room this whole visit. Even to jump on the bed. The picture you ask? The girl with the pearl earing. So scary!!!!

Michael said...

Maybe he just doesn't like Vermeer.

Val said...

Both of you have freakishly good memories for recounting conversations. I can't remember 5 minutes ago.