Saturday, July 11, 2009


I had my MRI today. I wasn't sure what to expect and it could have been much worse for sure. After first ensuring them I did not in fact work with metal or have a pace maker, I got into a gown and lay down on a long table. The technician said it would be very loud and gave us both (Michael was with me) ear plugs. She then put a blanket on me and the table moved back into position. The position being completely surrounded by the machine. Like I was the hot dog in a bagel dog. It felt like it was 1/2 inch away from my face but Michael claims it was 4 inches. She asks if I am ok and I lie and say I was. I had my eyes closed and was trying to just breath. She then tells me the first cycle would be one minute and I would know when it started as it would be very loud. And sure enough a few minutes later, it was as I was standing beneath a jack hammer. Oh. My. God. Michael was touching my leg, but I couldn't see him or hear him. I made it through that minute but then she said the next one was 5 1/2 minutes. Oh shit. That is a long time. So I started singing songs to myself in my head. Trouble is, I don't know any songs so I started signing the kids bedtime songs. Slowly and calmly. The noise was unbelievable. I opened my eyes once and started to panic so I closed them and told myself not to do that again. After that cycle, two more 4 minute ones and then I was done. I almost panicked again, but held it together by telling myself I ran a half marathon and was pregnant for 9 months TWICE so I could get through this 4 minutes. And I did.

Results in 4 days. I can't decide if I will be happier if they find something or if they don't.

1 comment:

Val said...

I have complete claustrophobia (sp?), so I would completely die.