Thursday, July 09, 2009

Lunch Requests

Everyday for the last 4 weeks, I've packed Parker a lunch/snack for camp. I usually ask him his preferences: goldfish or crackers? banana or apple? strawberries or grapes? He answers me and I follow his wishes. But almost every day, he comes home with almost nothing eaten. It wouldn't be so bad except that he completely peels the banana and then leaves it in his lunch box making everything else slimy and gross. Then his reasoning for not eating the banana is that it 'melted'.

So today, I told him that I wasn't going to pack him a lunch unless he tole me exactly what he wanted in it. After a little ignoring me, he did just that and got: 3 Strawberries, 4 crackers, one juice box, one strawberry cream cheese sandwich and a fruit leather (for dessert).

He ate precisely one thing (the sandwich) and then complained in full whiny voice mode that I didn't give him yogurt in the lunch. When I reminded him that I had offered him yogurt and he said he didn't like it anymore, he responded, "I think I like it again."

This, combined with Miranda's screaming today (she has NOT screamed/cried for approximately 40 minutes -while we were driving to and in Berkeley Bowl- since she woke up at 6am) made for a simply delightful morning. It's a sad day when Elizabeth is the only one not driving me crazy.

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