Sunday, July 12, 2009

Third time is a charm?

I took Parker to ride his bike without training wheels today and he did great. He went several feet to several yards on his own multiple times. He was pretty nervous, but never got too frustrated and really seemed proud of himself about it all. I told him I thought he would "get it" on his third try. He suggested his fifth try. When he does get it, we're going to get him a new bike (his is too small already) and I may even get one too with a trailer for the girls.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

very cool! Sam really wants to take her training wheels off her bike but its been so dang hot here that neither Jon nor I want to spend any time outside w her practicing! We have a trailer for my bike and its funny because Courtney refuses to ride in it. She screams the whole time so we put the baby seat on and she loves that...go figure!