Monday, August 10, 2009

Bye Bye Blankets

Four days ago, Michael had another rough night with the kids (I was in the backhouse since I was getting up at 4:30 to teach a spin class at 5am). When I got home at 7am, he looked exhausted and told me about it. Miranda woke up at some point around 5am screaming about where her blanket was (which was right next to her). This woke up Elizabeth and Parker. Miranda kept screaming, so Michael let the other kids come up stairs where they didn't do any more sleeping. Michael tried to sleep more on the couch, but the screaming wasn't condusive to it.

Hearing of this, I announced, despite my feelings that it was cruel and unusual to take away the one thing that brings them true comfort that they were done with blankets. Tonight they would sleep without them. Miranda immediately asked if she could sleep with a "buddy" like Parker. I told her that she could if she didn't scream and cry, but if they caused problems, no buddies. This made her quite happy. Elizabeth agreed.

At naptime, Elizabeth said she wouldn't scream and cry about her blanket and could she please sleep with it. Even though no one has problems at naps, I thought it was better to go cold turkey. I told her no but she could have a buddy and she got very sad. I then explained that I did not sleep with anything and if she wanted to be a really big girl, she could do that. That made her very happy.

Last night was the third night and so far so good. They are alternating between sleeping with random stuffed animals and nothing. Miranda, who rejected Parker's offer to let her sleep with Ted, had nothing last night and didn't wake up (that we knew of) once. Elizabeth had a pink stuffed bear. Parker had Ted, Lion, Ed, Fred and Bob. No Alice.

They say three days make a pattern. I've got my fingers crossed.

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