Sunday, August 02, 2009


Michael and I took Parker and Elizabeth to Waterworld today. We didn't take Miranda for a couple reasons. 1.) She isn't terribly fond of water and certainly wouldn't want to do any sliding into it. 2.) I'm paranoid about watching all three kids at once in this environment. It would have been challenging at best. Susan agreed to watch while we went so I told Miranda she had a special play date with Susan. When I told her that, she said, "And you and Daddy and Elizabeth and Parker going to do something fun?" Aw man! I told Michael this and he was ready to back out since he felt so bad for her. But in fact, she didn't seem to feel bad at all. She loves just hanging out and isn't the 'go getter' that Elizabeth and I am. But, we both still felt bad so I took her for a special bike ride in the morning before we left. This left Elizabeth hating me for the rest of the day. (Literally and she even acknowledged this at the end of the day.)

Miranda couldn't ride a bike a couple days ago, but now she is doing it like a pro. And she is so proud of herself. She yells, "I knew I could do it! I'm doing it by myself!!!"

We went home and got ready to go to Waterworld. I took Miranda to Susan's and she was tickled pink to hang with her and the boys. She even brought them each strollers and baby dolls. She gave me a big hug and kiss and waved good bye, so I stopped feeling bad about leaving her.

We got to waterworld and we were one of the firsts in the park. The kids immediately wanted to go in the water, so the played a bit in the kiddie area and then went to the slides.

They loved it. Elizabeth jumped right in and slid down over and over. Unfortunately, the water was really cold and the air was not that much warmer. It was probably 75, but it felt like 50 and the kids turned blue very quickly. They kept wanting to take breaks. Parker wore a life jacket a lot, but took it off and one point. He would slide down, then swim to the stairs on his own. It was pretty cool.

After trying out a few other areas (wave pool included), we had some snacks and then headed out. We went to pick up Miranda, but she was still having fun with Susan at Fairyland. She came home with a smile on her face and we all hung out for the rest of the day.

1 comment:

Val said...

Looked like fun!