Monday, August 03, 2009

Memories of Learning

With the kids learning so many new things these days, I've been trying to remember if I remember learning these same things. Do I remember when I learned to swim? Nope. Do I remember learning to ride a bike? Nope. Do I remember learning how to tie my own shoe laces? Nope? In fact, I remember very little before the age of 8 or so. I have some vague memories of life in New York, but I'm never sure if I am truly remembering or just remembering what my mom told me combined with some pictures. I remember when things happened to when she rode into a car on her bike on our way to the dentist making our appointment incredibly convenient. I remember when she when skidding down the street on her face when she was racing the neighborhood bully. (She was actually a good bike rider despite these stories.) I remember going to watch her to gymnastics' meets. I remember when she first started the violin, but I can't remember my first time with the clarinet even though I was older when I did it. I certainly don't remember my first ballet lesson. In fact, I don't even remember my last. I do remember the phone call my mom made to the teacher when I stopped, but don't remember actually stopping.

Maybe this is normal. Maybe not. I don't remember.

1 comment:

Amity said...

I'm the same Rach, I can't remember a whole lot from my childhood days, I kept thinking something was wrong with me! Glad to hear someone else has the same problem, sometimes I think we are too much alike (and proud of it)!