Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Who's your daddy?

Lori came down for a short visit today. I didn't tell the kids and when they saw her, they went berserk and played and giggled for about an hour straight. Then they all played in the backyard for a while. Back inside the house, each one tried to get her attention with dress up clothes, toys, shoes, activities, etc. At one point, Elizabeth started making pretend phone calls to people including Kathleen. Then she said she was talking to Lori's daddy. Lori said "that is a long distance call." Elizabeth kept talking so I told Elizabeth that Lori's daddy died and he couldn't talk to him. She looked at me for a moment and then decided to talk to Lori's mommy.

Then Miranda asked Lori "Did your daddy die?"
Lori said, "Yup."
Miranda said, "You don't have a daddy?"
Lori said, "Nope."
Miranda said, "Did my daddy die?"
Lori said, "No, he's right there."
Miranda then said with a significant amount of seriousness, "Lori, you can borrow my daddy because you don't have a daddy. You don't have to call him Michael. You can call him daddy."

It was one of the sweetest things I had ever heard.


Val said...

Can I call Michael daddy too? Seriously, it was totally sweet.

Ebba said...

That is priceless! I love that story

Lori said...

Oh, I just teared up again, reading that. What a moment with your three year old, whoa! It's a story I will tell over and over again. Man, I love that kid.