Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Crank- Fest follow up

So it seems the reason everyone was so cranky yesterday was because they all got what Elizabeth has. Not the croup (yet), but a fever and all that other stuff. So, yesterday I had three sick kids on my hands. Considering what a nightmare it is to have one, having three wasn't too fun. By 5pm, I had to email Michael asking when he was getting home as it was getting pretty bad. Had I had another arm, I would have taken a picture of me with all three crying, sad, hot children on my lap trying to snuggle. What a sight!

Elizabeth seems a bit better today, but Miranda is worse and Parker is the same. Oh joy.

1 comment:

Tired, Run Down and Listless said...

I have to tell you that the highlight of my day is seeing whats going at the Longs. I love following you guys. Hope the kids are better soon!!