Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Things Parker Knows

He knows that:

His birthday is December 14th and he will be three.
He also knows Mommy is 6 and Ted is 100.

Which lovey Elizabeth uses (cream-colored) and which one is Mirandas (pink).
Who is who when they cry out behind a closed door.

He likes Red Popsicles, but not fudgsicles.

He has to wait until the clock says 6:00 before he can get up in the morning. But he thinks he has to wait until 6:00 after naps too.

The way to every park, playplace, and fun place to go within 10 miles of the house. He has no idea where he lives.

Marbles are dangerous for the babies. He doesn't know big sticks are.

Amy and Lori are aunts and Peter and Oliver and Julia are counsins. But then again, he says Ted and Lion are cousins too.

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