Monday, November 19, 2007

More Yuck

After a week of sick kids, I decided that I'd better rule out the possibility of an ear infection. I always think the kids have ear infections when they are sick or cranky or crying a lot and they never have had them. So when a twin mom friend reminded me of that possibility, I figured what the heck.

So this morning, I loaded all three kids in the car and went to the Doctor. They were able to get me in to an early appt at 9:20, just 35 minutes after I called them. But then I had to sit in the waiting room for 40 minutes. 40 minutes with 3 coughing, sneezing kids in a tiny waiting room feels like 400 minutes.

After we finally got in a room, the nurse took temps and weights. Everyone had lost weight and everyone had a slight fever. Then the doctor came in and all hell broke loose. Parker who had been doing pretty good until that point, lost it. Despite understanding that in order to get the promised doctor's lollipop, there was to be no screaming or yelling. Crying, was ok, I had said. Miranda was exhaused and grumpy and basically screamed the whole time in the room. Elizabeth threw her little tantrums which the doctor actually saw, but was probably the best behaved.

Sure enough the girls had ear infections, but Parker was "ok". She'd call in a prescription at lunch and we should call if there were still fevers on Wed.

So, we piled everyone back in the stroller, Parker got his lollipop (because he had pulled it together after he was poked and proded). We went down the elevator and went outside. Where it was raining. Great. Parker lost it again and basically screamed the whole way to the car and home and kept screaming once we were there. I took him up to bed where he kept screaming. With Eli and Miranda standing at the gate now screaming themselves, it was all I could do to not start screaming myself. Since I couldn't get Parker to stop, I went down to deal with them. After they were settled in their cribs, back up to Parker, who finally calmed down when I laid down with him.

Now everyone are in their beds, but I don't think anyone is sleeping because of all the coughing.

Today really made me appreciate how good the kids are when they are well. You only tend to remember the bad things, but in reality, they are three pretty good, well- behaved, pleasant kids who sleep generally well most of the time.

I picked a bad week to give up sniffing glue.

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