Friday, November 02, 2007

Mornings with the Marcuses

Mornings are busy times at the Marcus house. Julia usually starts the day with her melodic singing (aka screaming). After nursing, one parent (and I'm still not clear on how they decide) takes her downstairs. Then he boys get up and stay upstairs until they get dressed. They sit on the top of the steps while they get dressed and then slowly come down. This morning Parker was playing numbers on the stairs (he puts the numbers in different patterns on the stairs) while Oliver was coming down.

Then Peter usually practices piano, finishes homework or catches up on something else. This morning after practice, the boys had a little story time.

By this time Oliver has usually selected his cereral ("our chex" this morning) and Julia has been dressed. Today, there was even time for a baby story time.

Everyone (Oliver, Peter, Amy and Julia) leave the house between 8 and 8:30. Today they went early to Peter's choir practice, so Parker joined them for a quick romp at the playground while they wait for Oliver's drop off time. Eran and the girls went out to say good bye and both (Elizabeth and Miranda) actually waived bye-bye.

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