Thursday, November 01, 2007

Travel Town

Lori and I took the kids to Travel Town today. It was touch and go as to whether we would make it there or not since Miss Elizabeth decided to take a morning nap which went very long. Considering she went to sleep at 6:30 and woke up at 7:30, we were a tad surprised that she was still tired. But just when Lori and I had decided not to wake her up and therefore forego Travel Town, she woke up.

So, off we went. Travel Town is a like a railroad petting zoo where kids (and adults) can climb on various old timey trains. There is also a mini train that we road as well as lots of open space for romping, which we did plenty of. After Parker got bored, we made our way to the Merry Go Round, which was delightfully closed. To appease an unhappy boy, we went to a large park near by where Parker was able to run around like a crazy monkey. The girls were exceptionally cute riding the teeter totter together before they both had "I need a nap" meltdowns.

On the way home, Elizabeth, who seemed like she was about to pass out any second, stayed awake longer than I thought. To keep her awake the last 15 minutes, I gave her the wipes package and she proceeded to take the wipes out one by one, giving them to Lori each time. It was quite funny as well as incredibly successful.

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