Monday, November 12, 2007

The little red hen

Parker has a book about a hen who finds some seeds, and grows them into wheat, and then makes flour, and then makes bread. All along the way, she invites her friends, the dog, the cat, and the pig to help her with the work, and they decline. When the bread is ready to eat, they all want to join in, but the little red hen doesn't give them any. Take that, lazy bastards.

Anyway, when I was reading this to Parker last night I noticed that during the scene where the little red hen is making the bread, there are some egg shells on the floor. That's pretty gross when you think about it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I had to laugh at first I thought that egg shells on the ground was gross then I walked away and was doing the dishes when it hit me...hen-eggs gross!