Monday, November 19, 2007

Lots of TV

Parker has been watching lots of TV lately. And when I say "TV", I mean scholastic video collections of books on dvd and a newly checked out of the library Leap Frog Letter Video. And when I say "lots", I mean pretty much all day long. I feel bad about it and try to be a good mom and tell him, "no more tv for now", but after another hour or two with the sicks kids, I'm running to turn the tv back on. Sue me.

Not sure if you notice on this last one what I noticed. This is "one was johnny" Sendak video collection. (One was Johnny who lived by himself. Two was the rat who jumped on the shelf, etc.) In the book, Johnny is just this little kid. In the video, he is like some kind of mexican western movie character. All the other characters like the Tiger, the robber, the monkey are all the same. Just Johnny is different. What the hell is up with that?

1 comment:

Lori said...

Part of being a good mom is keeping your own sanity intact no matter what. A little too much tv for a couple of days is not going to permanantly damaged anyone. Good for you for doing what ever it takes to keep the calm. That makes you a GREAT mom.