Monday, November 05, 2007

This 'morning'

Just when you think you've got the sleep situation under control, they go and change the time just to mess with you. Since every one was tired from the drive home, we didn't notice much problem Sunday morning with the time change. But this morning was another story all together.

Around 3am this morning, Miranda started screaming. We did our usual ignore her routine, but she kept going. So I caved in and gave her some milk around 3:15. She was happy and went back to sleep. Which is more than I can say for me who lay awake listening to Parker and Michael snore for about 45 minutes before I gathered up my stuff and went to the Cabana. Apparently I chose wisely because just 30 minutes later, Parker woke up (yes at 4:30) and did not go back to sleep. The girls followed a bit later around 6 and Dad, who was therefore alone, got them all up at 6:20ish. I came in at 7 to a tired Daddy and cranky babies.

I figured it would be rough going today and figured I would head out early to be back for early naps. But then Parker lost it. Completely. After trying my usual routine to get it to stop, I gave up and realized he was just tired so I took him up for a nap. He was very happy to be in bed despite screaming, "I don't wanna NAP!" all the way up the stairs. I put the girls in their cribs so I could deal with him so when he was cozy, I went back to them. They were still cranky. More milk, replaced blankies, leave room. No luck. Got the babies up. Played a bit longer, but still cranky.

Put the babies back in the cribs. More milk (warm this time) and then happy babies. I went upstairs to check on Parker and he was awake. Not sure if he slept at all, but he was in a much better mood so he got up. The babies, who had been giggling and chattering this whole time were suddenly quiet. So, rather than heading out, as I promised Parker, we played Marble Game instead.

So, now at 9:52, the girls are sleeping, Parker is playing, and I've paid some bills. Now, we wait for whatever is instore for us next...

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