Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Being a kid?

I worked at Parker's preschool today, subbing for the actual teacher.

Parker did two interesting things that either show he is a spazzy little four year old who doesn't follow the rules or that he is quite creative. I'm not sure which.

1.) They had to glue popcorn on cut outs of a tree. The popcorn was referred to as blossoms. So they were to cover the tree with blossoms. Parker, who usually doesn't enjoy his projects, sat doing this one for a long time. After glueing on one blossom on a branch, he looked at it funny and placed one NOT on the branch. He said, "This blossom has already fallen off the tree!" Then he put a bunch on below the tree stating the obvious.

2.) During Spanish class (15 minutes where they talk only in spanish, which Parker apparently loves), they were clapping their hands and patting their laps along with the "tune" of the spanish song. Parker was not doing what the rest of the class was doing. He was doing the beats twice as fast. Keeping in perfect rhythm, but following the micro (I think that is what they call it) beat.

1 comment:

Kika said...

What are you going to do? The boy is brilliant!