Tuesday, April 12, 2011


When we found out the piano that "came with the house" didn't actually come with the house, we knew we would 'need' to get one. I've been wanting to get one for a while, but with the limited space in our old house, it just didn't work. But now, with the seemingly unlimited space here and the perfect little nook for it, I knew we would get one before we got living room furniture. And we did.

I started out looking for free ones on Craigslist. I found a few and was ready to hire movers to go get one when I thought...hmm, I don't know anything about pianos so maybe I should take someone who does. So I hired some piedmont piano guy to go with me to check it out. Within minutes I knew I wouldn't be leaving with that piano. It was over 100 years old and he pointed out to me and the owner all the things wrong with it and how it could be fixed over and over and over again, but really the piano was 'done.' The owner seemed to know it all already and when we left he said he was gonna make a table out of it.

I was gonna check out another one, but the piano guy convinced me to consider renting one. If the kids liked it and we liked having one in the house, we could then consider the $2k to $5K to buy one.

So that is what I did. I'm trying not to worry that it cost more to move it then rent it. We now have a lovely upright Yamaha in our living room nook. We are gonna let the kids play with it for a while. I'm thinking Parker will figure out scales and chords soon enough and if he does show more interest, we'll consider lessons for him.

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