Monday, April 11, 2011

Zeke is Home.

We decided to stop torturing Zeke yesterday. I didn't think it was officially long enough to keep him in, but he really, really wanted to go out, so we bit the bullet. He stayed outside for an hour or so and then came running in when called by Michael and the kids. Over the course of yesterday and today, he's gone in and out many times. He uses the backdoor, but then comes in the front door on occasion, which is a good sign (he understands the house layout.)

I slept with Parker last night* but Michael said Zeke wouldn't come in last night so he left him out and at 4:30 he heard, "meow, meow" and Michael let him in the backdoor. Let's hope that doesn't become a habit. Actually, we are gonna switch out one of the doors downstairs and put a cat door in it so he can come and go as he pleases.

He seems quite happy here now and doesn't seem to want to find his old home.

*Last night, Michael was putting the girls to sleep. I was downstairs and Parker came down to hang out with me. He wanted to watch a tv show and as I was just about to watch something, I thought BIG with Tom Hanks would be a good one for us both. Lots of kid stuff, no swearing, no nudity, etc. I thought Zoltar might freak him out, but it didn't. All was going well until...Tom Hanks goes back to his mom's house to tell her he's been turned into an adult and she freaks out thinking he is a crazy intruder. She grabs the kitchen knife and runs after him screaming, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY SON!!! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!"

Parker, as one would expect if one expected these kinds of things, freaked out, immediately started sobbing and saying, "WHY DO YOU LET ME WATCH THESE THINGS THAT ARE SO SCARY!!!!!!" I turned it off, calmed him down and walked him to bed. I lay with him for a bit. Then he asked, "Mommy, when can I get another coupon (what we gave them at christmas) to sleep with you again?" Oh boy. I asked him if he was still scared and he said yes. I told him I would sleep with him, but would be gone in the early morning to go to the gym. He said he would stay in bed until I got back. And he did.

Note to self: Watch movies again before allowing kids to watch them.

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