Saturday, April 09, 2011


When I got up this morning at 6, Parker had already gotten dressed in the dark and was ready to go to the triathalon! Unfortunately, he forgot to put on his bathing suit. I had him get dressed again while I got the bags and bikes ready. We were on the road by 7am and at the triathalon location by 7:15. We checked in, got marked with our numbers 683 and 684 and then got ready to wait.

The race started at 8am, but we were in the last wave at 8:30. I was suppose to be in the 40+ women group, but several of the parents decided to go with the kids. The swim was in the high school pool which was not cold, but I wouldn't go as far as saying it was warm. By the time we got in Parker was chattering. There were 4 kids and me in the lane so it was a tight fit. When the bell went off, Parker started swimming free cycle. I stayed behind him to make sure he was ok. Close to the end of the length, he swallowed some water and freaked out. I think the other kids kicking and splashing next to him bugged him. I helped him to the side and he was upset. I thought the race was over, but then I suggested back stroke and he did that the rest of the time. He was the last kid (and person) to get out of the pool just behind a 8 year old girl (the closest kid in age to him). I got him dressed for the bike ride and we got moving. He was freezing.

The ride was easy and flat, but he was tired and cold so he didn't go very fast. Everyone left on the course cheered him on since we were the last ones. It was very sweet.

When we got back to the transition area, Michael was there with the girls to cheer him on. I hung up the bikes and we took off our helmets and we were off. Many of the adults had already finished the entire race by the time we started the run, but there were some older women and kids still going. Parker started out strong on the run, but had to pee and that bugged him until I let him pee near Ikea.

We got to the turn around at about a mile and he was pretty tired. I told him he could walk for a bit so we walked about a block before started running again.

When we got back to the finish line, we heard the announcer say, "here comes the last runners, Parker Long and him mom. Let's give them a big welcome home!" Everyone cheered and clapped. They gave Parker high fives as he ran through the finish line and Parker was all smiles. He was so happy and proud of himself.

Even though we were last and had a police escort most of the time, it was still very impressive how well he did considering how cold it was and how far he had to go on the bike and run. He got a tshirt that was way too big and that he wore the rest of the day.

He can't wait to do another one.

Coming in from the ride.

Doing great!

Here we come!

Parker crossing the finish line.


The girls got grumpy one after the other at the end of the race. Elizabeth said she wanted to do the next one.


More of the Howe Girls said...

that is soo cool!

Sara said...

Seriously awesome. He looked so cute in his giant shirt today. I'm glad he liked it!